Tuesday, March 10, 2009

The Woods Fam will soon welcome a new addition!!

We are so happy to announce the newest part of the Woods Fam...

...our very own parking spot! 

ParkingSpot 010
Sorry, when you don't have kids and you get a note on your apartment door where you have lived for 3 1/2 years anything can be exciting. 

Parking Spot

But we are excited! We get our very own reserved parking spot but unfortunately it is only one spot. John has graciously said that it will be mine. 

He's sweet like that.

Tonight we went to dinner and a movie with Patrick and Courtney and we "announced" our news to them. I really wish I had a video camera of Courtney's face before she knew what we were really announcing. 

Sorry, Court!


  1. Oh that's very sneaky! :) Congrats on the parking spot...if the people at the office of your apartment are anything like ours were, that is a big (yet welcomed)surprise!

  2. YAY! You are sooo cool!

    (My favorite part of this whole thing is how you blurred out the address & other tell-tale info on the letter...so high tech!)

  3. don't ever make my heart skip a beat like that again!!

  4. don't ever make my heart skip a beat like that again!!

  5. Congratulations on your new spot! That is a nice prize!

  6. ... and so much easier to care for than that "other" type of addition you might someday add to the Woods' clan!!!!! :-)


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