Thursday, April 19, 2012

Guess What!


  1. How exciting!!! Congrats!!!!

  2. Shut Up!!! When I saw the title, I thought oh she can't be pregnant. I bet she is postin about Hudson officially walking! But nope, you're pregnant!! So happy for you guys!! I have to admit, I did take a pregnant test the other day bc I thought I might have been pregnant (we arent trying though) so how funny would hat have been if we were both pregnant with baby number 2 at the same time! I think we'll be joining you a little later though!! Congrats again!!

  3. So exciting!!! Congrats, girl!!!

  4. Yay!!!! You had me curious at the title!! :) How exciting!! Can't wait to follow along w/baby #2! I read Katy's comment...and I probably won't be joining you guys for baby #2...just not yet! ;)

    Hooray...I'm so happy for you guys!! Congrats!! :D

  5. Congratulations!! Best wishes to you and your family! :)

  6. So glad the news is out! So excited for ya'll! And those pics of Hudson are precious! He'll be a sweet big brother. :)

  7. Hudson is going to be such a great big brother!!!! :)

  8. I still can't believe this!!! What great news!! Hudson is going to love having a little buddy!!!


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