Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Relay for Life

Relay for Life

The other weekend Baylor had it's 2nd annual Relay for Life. Our department got a team together and raised a TON of money and had a great time fighting against cancer. And I must add that we were the only department to have a team. All of the other teams were made up of students/student organizations. So go Student Activities! Keep in mind this was the last weekend of March when it was crazy windy, super cold and this event lasted from 7:00pm-7:00am..yes..all night.

Relay for Life

Coach Driscoll with a couple of the players.

Relay for Life

Proof of the wind.

Relay for Life

Most of our team dressed up as gothic/emo students and we had 1 school teacher.

Relay for Life

A normal picture.

Relay for Life

Bruiser taking over a tent.

Relay for Life

Proof of the wind. This was about midnight.

Relay for Life

Here is a picture of me and Debbie about 3:00am. Debbie is a two time breast cancer survivor. Amazing!

Relay for Life

Pat Neff was lit up purple all night.

Like I said, it was a really great event despite the crazy winds and extreme cold. My goal was to last all night but I stayed until about 4:00am. It was just too cold and windy.


  1. i like how you say "a normal picture." as though you all are not wearing 3 pounds of eyeliner. each!

  2. can't even lie, i think your eyeliner looks hot.. for the right occasion.

    also, at first glance i thought bruiser was drunk & passed out.. then i remembered it's relay for life//baylor. :)

    love you!!


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