Friday, August 28, 2009

Celebrate we will. Cuz life is short, but sweet for certain. ~Dave Matthews

And that's just what John and I will be doing tonight... CELEBRATING!

I have a job! Today I accepted a position with a non-profit here as the Program Coordinator. The organization works towards educational attainment and reducing the dropout rate in the school district here. It is such a great organization and I am so excited to get started! My first day is Monday!

It's been great being a housewife for a few weeks but I am also starting to get a little bored. I am constantly caught up on laundry and that's just not right! ha!

So that's my big announcement...sorry, not pregnant! A little suspense is always fun!


  1. congratulations!!! That's so great! good luck on your first week!

  2. It's so WONDERFUL to get to know the people who have been just this big question mark in my head for the last few months! Finally to know our new music minister and his lovely wife. You guys are TOO much fun! We are blessed by your friendship. To more good times!

  3. that happened fast right?? that is awesome!


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