Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Moving Day!

Hi, I'm Lindsay, the blogger behind Woods Life.

Oh wait. We've already met? My bad. I forgot about you.

Not really but my goodness this sweet house we bought is HIGH MAINTENANCE!! We spent the first 4 days painting our monstrous see through fireplace. Then we spent about oh, 7 days painting. We started on Memorial Day and since then have had only a few days off. And we're not done. Let's just say that one room is wood paneling and that in itself is a lot of extra work. Then add to that the fact that the (stupid) people who painted the paneling before us did not do the proper work required when painting wood paneling therefore, when we began pulling off the tape last night it was pulling the paint off the walls showing us the lovely (only not lovely) wood paneling. Ugh.

Oh and the tape is also ripping the paint off of the baseboards. Score!

Moving Day
But I am totally off topic. Let's get back to the day we moved and thought everything would be perfect and totally easy! ;)

Moving Day
We shamelessly posted on facebook and told the choir when we were planning on moving. We might have even bribed people with food. I had a feeling a few people would show up and help us.

Moving Day
Oh my was I wrong. We had about 18 people help us move. We had 3 trailers and 8 pickup trucks. Everyone arrived at 8:00 Saturday morning and we were completely out of the duplex in less than 45 minutes. A few of the ladies stayed behind to finish the cleaning. Oh bless them!!

Moving Day
Moving Day
Moving Day
They arrived at the new house about 5 minutes later and we were completely unloaded in 45 minutes.

Moving Day
Moving Day
Moving Day
Moving DayMoving Day
Moving Day
We were moved {from start to finish} in less than 1 1/2 hours!!!!!! I was so overwhelmed and grateful for each person that day. Then they started unpacking boxes.

Moving Day
Moving Day
Moving Day
Moving Day

It was unbelievable.

Another friend and his son showed up later with their lawnmower and took care of our yard. Again, so grateful.

Our moving day was a dream and we are beyond thankful for each person that helped us out.

Thank you sweet friends!!


  1. WOW. That gave me chill-bumps! How Sweet are those people!! You are truly blessed.

    P.S. Happy birthday! :)

  2. That is amazing, Lindsay! How wonderful to have people you can count on for help.

    Happy Birthday!

  3. was so happy to see an update!

    love, zoom

  4. How awesome that you had so many people to help you move?! I don't think we will be that lucky! I am DREADING the actual moving part.

    Love your house by the way! The shutters and fireplace make such a huge difference! Can't wait to see more!


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