Thursday, July 3, 2014

selfies, spaghetti, and a stubborn toddler

We've had a pretty normal week over here. Today we are getting ready for the 4th and my dad is coming into town. I just got home from the gym and we are about to go to the farmer's market and then run a couple errands. 

On Monday after a trip to the store I swung through the drive thru of one of our favorite meat and 3 places to pick up lunch. I love it because 1- they have a drive thru and 2- I can get something healthy and the kids can get something they love. It's a total win! Plus...on this day Hudson just ate his lunch. No bribing, threats, or timeouts. It was glorious. But I mean, when you're eating fried chicken, mac n cheese, and green beans what's there to hate?

Monday afternoon we had to run up to the church office and these 2 love to walk on the grass instead of the sidewalk. It's like they're exploring.

We hosted a group from Texas on Monday night for dessert at our house. They were all so sweet and Hudson LOVED taking selfies with the girls. I die. 

Our days always begin with a trip to the gym/church. The kids LOVE going and it's good for me because I get my workout in. They always look so cute walking into the nursery.

The other day Hudson told me that Emma was being too noisy so he needed to draw his shapes in the kitchen. Hilarious!

We had spaghetti for dinner last night and Emma TORE IT UP. She loved it and was rewarded with a popsicle after. 

Hudson on the other hand......oh my word. 2 hours after I put his food on the table he finally ate it. He spent 30 minutes in timeout and when he realized I wouldn't let him have any snacks and would send him to bed without dinner or snacks he finally decided to eat. This is by far the most difficult part of parenting right now.

Emma is OBSESSED with brushing her teeth right now. She would spend all day long in the bathroom brushing if I'd let her. And when I take her out of the bathroom...EPIC MELTDOWN. 

I hope y'all had a great week! And Happy 4th of July!! Have a wonderful weekend with your families and friends. :)

1 comment:

  1. Girl send him to bed with an empty stomach! No snacks or anything if you don't eat at our house.


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