Monday, October 20, 2014

Emma :: 2 years

Emma James,

Happy 2nd birthday sweet girl! I can't believe you are already 2. You are such a fun, smart, beautiful, and funny little girl. You keep us on our toes and make us laugh every single day.

You talk non stop. You are speaking in small sentences and repeat everything you hear. Your favorite things are baby dolls, playing outside, Mickey Mouse, and my jewelry. You are such a girly girl and love dresses, shoes, and makeup! But you aren't afraid to get dirty which I love.

You are a picky eater but you also love not normal toddler food. Some of your favorites are steak, salad, mac n cheese, dips, all fruit, guacamole, gummies, chicken, oatmeal, and cereal. 

You are such a joy and we love you so much. Happy birthday, Emma James!


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