Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Emma's 15 month check up and sight words

Emma had her 15 month check up this morning. I like to schedule her appointments while Hudson is in school so that I can just focus on her. She was the only one in the well waiting room and had so much fun running around. She was SO PROUD of herself sitting at this table like a big girl.

Having a little snack while we waited on her doctor.

Emma's official 15 month stats:

weight: 22 pounds (30th percentile)
height: 30 1/2 inches (50th percentile)

She has stayed in these 2 percentiles for height and weight since she was born. She's growing and developing perfectly! I am so proud of her!

After her appointment we went to Target to get a couple things. She got a cake pop since she had to get 4 shots at her check up.

This afternoon (while Emma took an epic 4 hour nap!!!) Hudson worked on his sight words. So proud of my smart little guy!

Happy Tuesday, y'all! :)


  1. Holy cow Hudson!!! WTG!! Such a smart boy!!! Do you work w/him a lot? We are still working on letters & sounds w/A.

  2. GREat job, Hudson!! What app do you use for sight words?


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