Thursday, February 6, 2014

All about SIGHT WORDS!

After the video I posted of Hudson reading sight words a couple weeks ago, I've had several people ask me what apps, tools, etc. we use with Hudson for words, letters, and numbers. It helps that he loves the alphabet and counting. We read tons of books, sing the ABCs about a thousand times a day, count anything and everything, and we are constantly asking him what letter a word starts with. And more recently what a word ends with. He loves it so it makes it easy to work with him. We talk all day long and he's just a little sponge that soaks stuff up. So, aside from the normal (old school) things like reading, talking, singing, writing, and coloring...these are some of the tools we love that have worked so well.

Before we started working on sight words, he became obsessed with the alphabet. We would sing the ABCs all the time but he also loved the Leap Frog shows on Netflix. Amazing Alphabet, Number Land, Let's Go to School, Phonics Farm, Shapeville Park, and Magnificent Museum of Opposite Words are the ones he likes. He also has a Melissa & Doug alphabet puzzle that he did constantly.

Back in October he was learning the sounds of letters and would say the alphabet by the sounds each letter made. I was floored by this kid. So I added the Preschool Prep DVDs to his Christmas wish list.

This DVD series has 7 or 8 disks with everything from letters and sight words to numbers, shapes, and colors. These DVDs are SO BORING to adults but Hudson (and Emma too) both love them. They are very repetitive and Hudson has learned every sight word on the DVDs. 

Hudson also has several iPad apps that have helped him learn words. Starfall Sight Words, Endless Alphabet, Starfall ABCs, Sight Words FREE, Dolch Words, and Little Speller are just a few that he loves. Just search in the App Store for sight words and so many come up. Most of them are free. 

So there you go! Just some of the tools that have worked for us. I'm pretty amazed that my 2 1/2 year old can read 30+ words and spell about 10+ words. 

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