Monday, February 3, 2014

Our weekend with PJ

Thursday morning John left for Michigan to attend a conference he goes to every year at Calvin College. Thursday night PJ (my dad) showed up and Hudson was so excited! He got to stay up past his bed time to see PJ!

PJ slept in Hudson's room so Hudson slept with me. I loved having this little guy in bed with me. He does SO WELL in a big bed. It makes me excited about his transition to a big boy bed soon.

Friday morning PJ made Hudson (Emma slept until 8:30!!!!!) some chocolate chip Mickey Mouse pancakes. Hudson got to put a few of the chocolate chips on. 

Friday we ran a few errands before lunch and I thought Emma looked adorable. She's really getting into posing for picture sand smiling big when I get my camera (or phone) out.

After their naps on Friday we went to the park. After such a cold and snowy week it was so nice to have 60 degree weather. Hudson has been afraid of this slide since we moved here. Now he can't stay off of it!

And fearless Emma loved it too! 

My two big kids climbing the stairs up the big slide. I can't believe they're both so big! Also...bed head doesn't matter at the park. ;)

Friday night, PJ babysat the minis so that Brittany and I could attend our friend Keri's 40th birthday party. It was an 80s themed party and she wore her prom dress from 1990! She looked amazing in it! Check out her rubik's cube cake!

We danced for almost 2 hours. Except for the couples slow songs...both of our hubbies were out of town! 

Because of the snowtastrophe of 2014 I wasn't able to get out to find 80s garb for the party. You can't see it behind my rockin glasses but I've got on some bright blue eye shadow.

Sunday night we went to a Super Bowl party with the 9th and 10th graders at Eric and Brittany's house. We chose which team we would cheer for based off of what we had to wear. Hudson was a Seahawks fan and Emma was a Broncos fan. 

Hudson is E's biggest fan. He followed him around all night and in a crowd of 50 parents and students he would shout, "E!!!!!" until he found his BFF. 

Emma made her self at home in the middle of all the boys. Help me.

We had such a fun weekend with PJ and are so thankful that he got to see our new home! I hope everyone had a great weekend too!

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