Wednesday, February 5, 2014

#woodslifeeveryday2014 week 5

Here's week 5, folks! Find me on Instagram (lindsaywoods_) if you want to follow along!

Day 29: Oh no, we weren't going stir crazy at all during the crazy snow storm that hit the south last week.

Day 30: Hudson got to stay up late waiting on PJ to get here! He was so excited!

Day 31: having fun at the park with PJ! Emma wanted down so she could run. 

Day 32: checking out all the TVs at Best Buy!

Day 33: House Divided. Emma was cheering for the Broncos and Hudson was cheering for the Seahawks.

Day 34: the last few days Hudson has woken up grumpy from his naps. When I go into his room smiling I hear, "No cheese mama!" Ha!

Day 35: Her eyes melt me.

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