Tuesday, June 22, 2010

IBC and Settlers

I'm not sure if I have shared this story or not, but here it is.

IBC root beer.

Back in college, John and Patrick were in a fraternity at Baylor that had some of the best parties. The best parties are the ones with lots of dancing and couches outside.

Why were couches outside cool then but not now?

Anyway, these parties were also dry (no alcohol). They served IBC root beer in the bottles and everyone loved it.

Now, college days are long behind us, but we still relive those IBC root beer memories when we get together with Patrick and Courtney.

And now, our new favorite game they introduced us to, Settlers.

Weekends with them are not complete without IBC root beer and Settlers.

IBC and Settlers
So they came in town a few weekends ago (they were our first house guests again) and they brought the game and we had the IBC.

IBC and Settlers
The best part...IBC is caffiene free so preggers can drink it too!

IBC and Settlers
There was a lot of laughing.

IBC and Settlers
I can't remember why, but does it really matter?


  1. Oh, IBC sounds so good right about now! My dad used to buy us the bottles as a treat with dinner, when we were growing up. :)

  2. we like settlers, and bohnanaza.. and all those random german board games a lot...

    we too are board game junkies... :)

  3. love the memories! so when are you going to come to visit us in our new place and we can play again?!?

  4. love the memories! so when are you going to come to visit us in our new place and we can play again?!?


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