Tuesday, January 1, 2013

2013 goals and resolutions

I'm looking forward to 2013. I've told my husband that I want this year to be a year with no change. I want a simple year with no big life changes. I want to enjoy our family and keep life simple. I don't want to get pregnant in 2013. 

Since October 2010 I have either been pregnant or breastfeeding. My body hasn't been mine in over 2 years. As much as I LOVE my babies and LOVE nursing them, I want a break after I finish nursing Emma. Here's to not getting pregnant in 2013!

Since 2009 we have had at least 1 major life change (read: the list of stressors that you see in a counselor's office...we've had at least 1 of them every year for 4 years...all at the top of that list!) each year. 

In 2009 John graduated with 2 master's degrees (Music and Theology), we moved to a new city, John started a new job, and I started a new job.

In 2010 we bought a house, I started another new job, we renovated our house, and I got pregnant.

In 2011 we continued to renovate the house, I quit my job and became a stay-at-home mom, and we had our first baby.

In 2012 I got pregnant again and we had our second baby.

Lots of big stuff. Lots of WONDERFUL stuff but still big. 

Simple. Quality time with family. I'm looking forward to 2013 and and all that it has for our family.

Happy New Year!


  1. Ha! I love that one of your goals is to not get pregnant!! That's funny! But I don't blame you, I bet you are so ready to have your body back. I remember when I finished nursing Pearson after 15 months......it felt so good to have my body back. Well, kind of. It's so weird how you just feel different after having a baby. I'll never be the same, but I'm a-okay with that because Pearson was SOOOOOO worth it!!

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  3. Holy-ka-moly! I am new to the blog and girly - those are a lot of life changes hey?! Amazing but I hear ya on not wanting any major change this year!! Looking forward to reading more about your "boring" 2013 :)

  4. Ok, girl! One of my 2013 goals is to not get pregnant! Let's agree to smack each other if we get baby fever. -Kaeli


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