Thursday, January 17, 2013

Hudson {19 months}

posting this a week late. Hudson turned 19 months on January 10th.

balls trucks blackberries Emma Toy Story outside walks art puzzles around 30 pounds around 34 inches any fruit throwing hugs and kisses


nigh nigh, Mama, Dada, ba (ball), ba ba (basketball), all dah (all done), doh (dog), diada (diaper), momey (monkey), namen (amen - after we say prayers...the sweetest thing ever!), bot (boat), ma (milk and more), cheese, buh buh (bye bye), dat (that), dow (down), booh (book), yeah (yes), Emmma (Emma), dis (this while pointing at what he wants), shuh (shoe), truh (truck or train), no, Ya Ya Ya Ya (Yo Gabba Gabba), Ma (Mickey Mouse)

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