Tuesday, April 16, 2013

let's bowl let's bowl...let's rock 'n roll!

...Grease 2 anyone??? :) 

A couple weeks my Tuesday night girls group decided to get our husbands involved and have a fun night. We met for dinner and then went bowling. We had the best time and I can't remember the last time I laughed that hard!

I love these girls so much. I prayed for so long for a group of friends when we moved here and God went above and beyond. I look forward to our time on Tuesday nights so much. God is constantly moving and working in mighty ways in the lives of these women! 

And with the husbands! We were missing a few girls and their husbands but we still had a wonderful time. 

1 comment:

  1. We LOVE going bowling. I especially love it because I took bowling in college and I am not half bad. The last time we went with our ABF we split up and played guys and girls. I got 1st in the girls lane, but my score beat all the guys too!!!


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