Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Fun at the Park!

John took off work the day after Easter. The weeks leading up to Easter and Easter weekend are very busy for a worship pastor, as you can imagine. It was nice for him to have a day off and for us to have a family day!

We had a picnic lunch at the park. Hudson enjoyed his biscuit. We were sitting right under a tree for shade but there were these caterpillar things that kept falling out of the tree and landing on me. Not John or Hudson, just me. They were fat and fury. Not fun!

We've taken Hudson to the park a few other times and he's gone down the slide with John but we decided to try letting him go on his own. 

He wasn't a fan. We laughed and enjoyed watching it though! :)


  1. yay for a family day at the park! i bet he loves the park even more now that he can walk!

  2. His face going down the slide alone is priceless.

    I would of freaked over a bug falling on me. HA


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