Thursday, May 10, 2012

Hudson :: 11 Months Old

Dear Sweet Hudson,

You are 11 months old!! I can't believe you will be 1 in a month. This has been the fastest and most exciting year of our lives. You really have changed so much this month. You are becoming a toddler every day and very less baby.

The biggest change this month is you're WALKING! You took your first steps the day before your 10 month birthday but this month you've really taken off. You walk everywhere and hate to be held now. I would say you walk 95% of the time and crawl about 5%. Our lives are very different this month with you walking. We love it though!

You are still such a tiny guy so seeing you walking is too funny. You are still wearing most of the things you were able to wear 6 months ago. The clothes we bought on sale last summer are WAY too big! But you are such a big eater. You eat 3 meals a day, 1 snack and 4 bottles with 6 ounces each.

Another huge change this month is that we are no longer breastfeeding. My doctor told me that I had to stop cold turkey so you nursed for the last time when you went to bed on April 16. You have done great transiting to bottles and formula. Your 11:00 and 3:00 bottles are usually out of a sippy cup though. You are not interested in bottles then because you would rather be playing. This is fine because it will make dropping the bottles next month that much easier.

You understand so much when we communicate with you. You now know, "come here," "sit on your bottom," (when you are in the bathtub) "look," "let's go bye bye," "outside," "say bye bye," "bottle," and "go get it." You are also able to sign "all done" and "more."

You play so well independently. You love stacking things and putting your toys on top of furniture. You also love putting things in the bathtubs and in your Diaper Champ. You really love putting toys in your Diaper Champ and watching them disappear. This is very gross and we are trying to figure out a way to lock this. :) You love your books that have texture. You know what to do with each page and you also love the books that have flaps that you look for things under.

You "bounce" on command and it is the funniest thing! We will say, "bouncy bounce" and you will start bouncing up and down. If you are standing up you will still do it but sometimes lose your balance.

Your schedule is pretty much the same this month. You take a bottle around 7:00 and then we put you in bed. Usually you will go right to sleep but the last few nights you have laid in bed talking to yourself for almost an hour. You wake up between 6:45-7:30 in the mornings. You are still taking a good morning nap from about 9:00-10:00/11:00. And your afternoon nap is usually 1:00-3:00 but you have also slept until 4:00 many times.

Your favorite foods are strawberries, peas, carrots, green beans, corn, blueberry waffles, apple cinnamon waffles, grilled chicken, brisket, beans, goldfish, tomatoes and guacamole. You will still eat pretty much anything.

You are still wearing a size 6-12 month and 12 month in clothes. You are STILL in a size 3 diaper which you've worn since about 5 months. You do wear a size 4 overnight diaper at nights though. You wear a size 3 shoe but it is SO hard to put your little fat foot in shoes. You have 6 teeth (2 bottom and 4 top) and you don't seem to be getting close to getting your 1 year molars which is fine by me. I'm not looking forward to those at all.

You love to share whatever you are eating (or chewing on if it's a toy). You will put it in your mouth and then stick it out to share with whoever is close by. I love that it makes you so happy to share! You have really started to play with Oliver this month and it is SO much fun to watch y'all play together. You will chase him around the house screaming and y'all will roll around on the floor wrestling. He is so gentle and good with you. You also still love to be outside. If I say, "let's go outside" you will run for the back door. You will walk out on your own and just take off.

You have made our lives SO much fun little man. We can't wait to celebrate your 1st birthday next month and continue to watch you grow and develop. 


::11 month stats::
weight: 22 pounds 8 ounces
height: 30 inches
eating: 6 ounce bottle at 7, 11, 3, 7. meals at 8, 12, 5:30.
clothing: 6-12 month, 12 month
diaper: size 3 during the day, size 4 overnight at nights

Look how you've changed!


  1. He is a doll.. I still can't believe he is walking.. Or that he is almost 1..

    Did you use picasa for your collages?

  2. wow he really has changed this month!! I have a feeling Adelyn's post will be very similar next month.

    I love the 2nd to last picture of him looking up at the camera, SO cute!! Oh and Adelyn is a good at sharing too, makes me laugh {I don't want that food from your mouth silly!}.

  3. wow he really has changed this month!! I have a feeling Adelyn's post will be very similar next month.

    I love the 2nd to last picture of him looking up at the camera, SO cute!! Oh and Adelyn is a good at sharing too, makes me laugh {I don't want that food from your mouth silly!}.


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