Wednesday, October 15, 2014

#woodslifeeveryday2014 week 41

Day 281: When I announced 1 minute until nap time (anyone else do 5 minute countdowns for EVERYTHING?!) Hudson said, "just a minute mommy. Emma is scratching my back." Melt my mama heart.

Day 282: We've had lots of bickering, biting, pushing, and time outs today but sweet moments like this make me smile.

Day 283: Two alphabet obsessed toddlers noticed the big "Edgewood Creamery" sign and became starstruck.

Day 284: My sweet boy is helping me make a chocolate butterscotch cake this morning! Loving my one-on-one time with my oldest while daddy and Emma are at the McWane Center.

Day 285: Emma's favorite thing to do right now is write with pens on plain white paper. So when she saw Hudson doing it she squeezed into the chair with him. And then demanded her own. Love these two!

Day 286: It's storming outside and the kids heard the thunder so we started talking about how God made the thunder and the rain. Then I asked Hudson what his favorite thing that God made and he answered, "birds and toys!" I asked Emma the same question and she responded, "ummmmm shoes!" She's definitely my child.

Day 287: Hudson loves school so much. His sweet little class is called the Busy Bees and he has a book with a picture of each of his friends in his class. Before his nap he grabbed the book and asked if he could look at his busy bee friends before he went to sleep. Love my sweet boy!

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