Wednesday, July 25, 2012

"fun" at the park

one day last weekend we decided to go to the park to play after Hudson got up from his afternoon nap.

we knew it would be hot but didn't think it would be that bad. When we pulled up the park was empty. That should have been clue #1.

It was so blasted hot. And the mosquitos were swarming so so bad.

Hudson had fun though. And enjoyed eating rocks in the tunnel.

He got pretty excited when he found one too.

We pulled out of the parking lot less than 10 minutes from when we pulled in. That included the time it takes to get Hudson in and out of his carseat. Needless to say we will wait until it cools off to head back to the park.  :)


  1. now that pearson can actually play at our park, I can't wait until fall so we can stay and play for a while!!

  2. The best times are after breakfast or after dinner... We go almost daily. :-)

  3. Ha fun! But I agree it's so hot there is no enjoying the park right now. Ready for some cooler weather for sure.


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