Saturday, September 7, 2013

all caught up

I did it.

Since May I have been WAY behind on blogging. We announced that we were moving to Birmingham, put our house on the market, and got busy with a big move with an almost 2 year old and 6 month old. Life was busy and blogging wasn't a priority for me.

I missed it though. I love looking back at what we've done and what life was like at certain times so I knew that I would come back to it. The thought of having 3-4 months missing made me sad. So I did a lot of catching up posts. I went through my iPhoto and flagged all of the pictures I wanted to share. It was a lot. Like hundreds. Slowly that number got smaller and smaller. And I am so glad that I did a few weeks of marathon blogging.

So now the task of blogging isn't daunting anymore. I'm excited to get back to regular blogging and sharing and remembering the day to day events in our lives. It's not an exciting life, but it is our life and I love it.

I feel like I haven't really shared about life in Birmingham yet. We love it here. It is definitely an adjustment. Learning a new area always has its challenges. Meeting new friends isn't easy. But all of that comes with time. Our family is happy here and the kids are thriving.

I'm glad to be back. I'm glad life is returning to normal.

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