Saturday, November 10, 2012

Hudson {17 months}

trying to get this boy to sit still, look at the camera AND smile is pretty much impossible these days. :)

outside parks puzzles animals 28 pounds climbing slides dirt rocks cars trucks  33 inches 
big brother


nigh nigh, Mama, Dada, ba (ball), ba ba (basketball), all dah (all done), doh (dog), diada (diaper), momey (monkey), namen (amen - after we say prayers...the sweetest thing ever!), bot (boat), ma (milk and more), cheese, buh buh (bye bye), dat (that), dow (down), buh (book), yeah (yes), Uhma (Emma)


  1. He says lots of things. :)

    Happy 17 months. :)

  2. Linz... it's taken me until Halloween this year to learn this trick. But you must give him candy to sit still for pictures. The best are M&M's or Smarties. :-) Ethan smiles when he asks for "more". haha


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